klozz Android Custom ROM and Nightmare maker with the linux kernel.

About me

I'm a hobbyist software developer. The vast majority of my work is free and open-source on Github.

I am always learning something new and I like to play with the linux kernel on android devices and with custom rom (CAF).

I'm the Owner of Yuki ユキ Kernel , Yuki ユキ Clang and The XPerience Project (Custom Rom based on CAF (Fork of Android for Qcomm devices))


Like my work? Please consider donating Although all my work is free if you donate I can continue doing it!


Most of my work has been under android and the linux kernel.I focus on exploiting the maximum performance of the device that you have at the moment.


Git, GCC, CLANG, bitvise, Atom , Notepad++, Jadx!